Locations link add-on should better integrate with other online whiteboards

1 votes

The current Locations link add-on feature doesn't work too well with apps like groupworld and bitpaper, because, those apps preserve the teacher/student space from one lesson to the next. Today, I have to create manually a separate location for each teacher/student combination, which is too much administrative work for me. I am thinking about migrating from Tutorcruncher, but this one lack of feature in Teachworks is really troublesome for me. Tutorcruncher handles it better by dynamically constructing the link from each lesson. For example, if the lesson name is "Lesson for Mary with John" the link would be constructed as such:


Of course, this is much better, but still, not perfect, because, if the tutor changes the lesson name from one session to another, then they will get a different space, and all their notes will be lost.

Under consideration Suggested by: Alexander Kolchinsky Upvoted: 20 Sep, '21 Comments: 0

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